rules and guidelines for creating the perfect app
[ Guidelines | Questions | Examples ]
Should my app log to an
INI file or the registry? An INI file. All the way. Why? Advanced
PC users like having a clean registry. They don't like apps adding a key.
Then, when backing up the registry, it takes longer, and the *.reg file is
bigger. Also, when uninstalling, it is much easier to delete an INI file
than a registry key. INI files are also easier to edit. Just open them in
Should my app have an installer? Personally, I hate installers. I would much rather have an EXE and an INI file, rather than have a program install. If every app on my system needed an installer, I would be scrolling through the Add/Remove list for days. Better yet, have 2 versions of the program. One that has a setup program and installs, and the other just a zip file. This way, basic users can easily install / uninstall, and power users don't have to go through the hassle of installing / uninstalling. If a program has an installer, I usually go out of my way to try and extract the files from the setup file. The only thing that is worse than an installer is an uninstaller that doesn't remove all the files. The uninstaller should remove every file it installed, and every registry key it added. Should I go out of my way to add useless features / effects? Definitely not. Unless they serve some purpose and are easy on the eyes. IconPhile is a good example of an app with good effects. But never go overboard. What's the difference between an app and a program? None. Usually. I think of apps of standalone EXEs with don't have to be installed (EG. Metapad, Bouncer, PRC View). Programs, on the other hand need to be installed (EG. WinZip, WinAmp, Office). Are there any perfect apps? Well, yes there are. Or at least the closest you can get to perfect. See the [ Examples ] page to see what I mean. Where can I make my interface pretty? If you are talking about icons, Scrow's icons has some great 16x16 icons. WARNING: IconPhile from that website can really screw up your system. I don't recommend it. What if my app needs a certain DLL / OCX? Put it in the zip file. Don't use an installer just because of that. Which programming language is the best? None. There is no better or worse. All of them have advantages and disadvantages. What apps do you use? I use alot of apps. I have about 100 of them. Always adding to the list. Not all of them are perfect, but most of them are pretty good. Here's just a couple examples: Bouncer, Metapad, xTerm, CCS, RegClean, Chainsaw, eSheep, Bob, Specrem, ColorPad, DosView, MooPeg (v.0.1d), and more. Have you ever created a perfect app? No. I only make programs that look good on my system, because I am the only one who uses them. Maybe someday I will try. Is my app perfect? Can it win the Perfect App award? Probably not if you have to ask me :P. If you think you have a perfect app, and want it recognized in the Examples section, email me here. Can I link to this site? Sure. Be sure to use on my my buttons. [See Buttons] Where can I add a question? Email me here. [ Examples ] |